Sometimes it feels as if technology has inserted itself into our lives and is sucking our brains out, robbing us of time and depleting our energy. We have become a society completely dependent on gizmos and gadgets, for directions, for answers, for entertainment… But there comes a time when the use of technology stops being a form of entertainment and information and becomes an addiction. It begins to interfere with our day-to-day ability to function. When we notice this happening with our teens and young adults, its time to step in and take action to help decrease the dependence on technology. What can we do as parents to help our teen or young adult back off their dependence and return to normalcy?
First, start with you. Parenting is all about “Monkey See, Monkey Do”. Your children are watching and evaluating your tech habits too. Turn on a tracking app on your own phone to assess your use, and then transition to using a little less. Tell your child about it and ask them to help keep you accountable.
A second step is to learn together. Your child or teen already has some views and beliefs on technology. Ask them about it! If there’s a point you disagree on, both of you can do some research and come back with some thoughts.
Finally, decide to make one, small change at a time. Challenge yourself and your child to make a single change. It can be whatever you or they want, but do what you know is best about encouraging them to make that change. You taught them how to change their behaviour when it came to potty training, keeping safe while crossing the street and how to get ready in the morning, so this is just another change for you to help with!
Remember, you are the expert on your child! You know what they can handle and how to slowly push them to grow. Teaching them to grow and change is all part of what will make them capable, individual and successful for the rest of their lives.
You’re Not Alone!
There are resources available if the technology dependence with your teen or young adult is beyond your ability to help control.
Much of this information was provided by: Reset Summer Camp