A New Perspective on Sober Living
Lighthouse Recovery TexasDallas, Texas
The Sober Life
Lighthouse Recovery Texas is...
3 Steps to Help Your Child Decrease Technology Use
Sometimes it feels as if technology has inserted itself into our lives and is sucking our brains...
How To Treat Anxiety and Depression in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Dr. Andrew Ruben
Anxiety and Depression in young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder...
What Should I Do If My Son Stays in His Room All the Time?
Originally posted: Newport Academy website
“Is it okay if my son stays in his room all the time?” That’s...
Ten Common Mistakes Parents Make
What sort of mistakes do parents make while looking for a program and what implications might those mistakes have?
The Growing Epidemic of Tech and Gaming Use in our Adolescents and Young Adults:
by Johnny Tock MS LMHC
Advancements in technology...
Discovery Academy 2.0
The New Normal in 2021
There is no question...
Despite the Rumors, StrugglingTeens Is Still Going Strong!!
Rumors are flying the StrugglingTeens.com is closing... rest assured, those rumors are lies. The following article explains the truth.
How to Get Your Teen to Take Their Medication
By Eric Earle | April 13, 2020
As a parent, you want the best for your kids, so it...
How to Choose the Right Program
How do I choose the right program for my child who is struggling in school or life? This article offers advise.