- Congratulations to Mark Dunn in becoming the new Director of Aftercare Services! With over two decades of experience in behavioral health and training in numerous therapeutic modalities, including EMDR, Brain Spotting, and Trauma-Focused CBT, Mark is well equipped to take on this essential role. As Director of Aftercare Services, Mark will lead the aftercare programming for all Solstice East students. “The goal of the Solstice Aftercare Program is to help families consolidate the gains during treatment, and to be a resource and guide for students and parents during the transition process,” reflects Mark. “At Solstice East, we individualize treatment for each student and family to help mend their emotional wounds; I admire our unwavering dedication to providing each family with a healing experience.” We’re thrilled to welcome Mark into this position!

- Students at Solstice East soaked in the last few days of summer with a Summer Break vacation! Our students spent time hiking, rock climbing, and paddle boarding off-campus, and on-campus they engaged in fun activities, games, and general relaxation.
- We capped summer break week with our annual Solstice East Field Day! All four house teams competed in outdoor camp games to win the title of field day champions. A big shout out to the Laurel team for winning two years in a row!
- Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur celebrations were observed on-campus by our Jewish faculty and students!

- Our facilities director Jim Tomes is now teaching an “Adulting 101” class to our students! In this elective class, students learn everything from how to change a tire, manage credit card spending, and basic woodworking skills.
- At the end of September, we welcomed the autumn season with a fall morning celebration. Students and staff were treated to doughnuts and hot apple cider and were gifted new long sleeve t-shirts emblazoned with a vintage Blue Ridge Mountain landscape and the Solstice East colors.