(Oct 15th-16th, 2020) Registration now OPEN
Registration is now open for the 2020 Online WTS (10/15-10/16/20 Thurs-Fri). To register for a ticket to this Online event, please see our registration page within the conference platform (“Hopin”).
Please join us this year for our Online version of the annual Wilderness Therapy Symposium. We hope this online Symposium will keep our community connected in these challenging times while continuing to offer you the same high-quality workshops you have typically experienced at our annual WT Symposiums. The Online WTS will consist of a choice of 13 workshops over 2 days with a primary conference theme of “Diversity & Inclusion.” A selection of those workshops will be eligible for CEU credit hours (9 CE hours total).
Registration fees for the 2020 Online WTS: $200 General Admission, $150 member program staff, $75 Students (with current student i.d.). Please register online within Hopin.
To download the Symposium schedule which includes workshop day/time, descriptions and presenter bios please see our WTS website schedule page.
CE credit hours (through the Institute of Continuing Education) will be available for select online workshops, with a total of 9 contact hours offered for the entire Online WTS. See the CE Hour page of our WTS website for additional info.
The online conference platform (Hopin) will also feature a virtual Expo Hall for sponsors hoping to reach the online conference participants with information about your organization. More info regarding the virtual Expo Hall will be available on our website on our Exhibitors & Sponsors page by 10/5/20, so please check back then if you are interested in having a booth in our Virtual Expo Hall.
We are hoping to be able to return in 2021 to Asheville and Park City for our normal in-person WTS, so please check back on the WTS website in 2021 for details as we monitor the national situation.
Please see our WTS website for additional info, and if you have any other questions not covered on our website please email Jim Lavin (OBHC Administrative Manager) at wtsjim@gmail.com.
Hope to see you online in October!