Danielson Youth
Transport Service
Richmond, Virginia
C. Danielson - Founder
Danielson Youth Transport Service a division of Danielson
Investigative Services, Inc, is an international organization
of former military intelligence personnel, federal and state
investigators trained in health care, and anger management
and adolescent issues. They have been transporting troubled
adolescents for 21 years, serving the general public, doctors,
educational consultants and their clients, and private schools.
Danielson Youth Transport takes their part in the recovery
of a troubled youth, however small that role may be, very
seriously, with the goal of safely transporting a child by
ground, commercial airlines, or private plane from their
home to the selected program. Describing themselves as “firm
and professional,” yet they “do not intimidate or cause the
adolescent to feel they have committed a criminal act or
that they are being punished,” feeling that “in some small
way, the manner of transport will have an effect on the events
that follow.” They “use the transportation time to help prepare
the adolescent for their new environment,” with the goal
of ensuring that the transport itself “never compounds what
is for the adolescent already a daunting task.” Danielson
Youth Transport is fully licensed, insured and trained in
safely transporting at-risk youths and recovering runaways.