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Posted June 13, 2003 

NutriTeen Program
Kate Simon
212-367-7575 ext 102

“According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of obese children has more than doubled in the last 30 years, increasing to 15 percent from 5 percent. This perplexing epidemic poses serious and potentially devastating consequences for obese children, both psychologically and physically…obese adolescents suffer from low self-esteem, sadness, loneliness, isolation, nervousness, and high-risk behaviors.”

With estimates of over 80% of children/teens using email, “it can be an extremely effective means of offering the behavioral change techniques, nutrition education, skills and support necessary for a child/teen to lose and maintain a healthy weight," says Charles Stuart Platkin, founder of NutriTeen, director of the Institute for Nutrition and Behavioral Sciences, and author of Breaking the Pattern (Red Mill Press, 2002).

NutriTeen, created by the founders of Nutricise, is a 12 week program that has NO hidden costs, no food to buy, no drugs. The program has been in development for over a year with experts in areas such as adolescent psychology, nutrition, fitness and behavior modification. All NutriTeen clients are assigned their own personal counselor, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, who educates, coaches and supports them using email. Throughout this email relationship, NutriTeen counselors coach their clients on behavior modification techniques necessary for making the lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss and maintenance. "The NutriTeen counselors understand that most adolescents require personal attention and someone who responds to their unique and individual needs -- not more generic advice out of a textbook."

Features of the NutriTeen Program include: behavior modification techniques catered specifically to the hectic and tumultuous nature of adolescent life; nutrition education that takes into account the fact that teens are often at the mercy of the food court, the school cafeteria, social gatherings and meals with parents and friends; physical activity coaching that doesn't require a driver's license or a pass to the local gym; ongoing support to help teens cope with the emotional and psychological consequences of being overweight; and straight talk about realistic expectations, body image, health, and the unique challenges that teens face every day.

NutriTeen requires that a parent or guardian be placed on a separate but integrated NutriTeen Parent Program, which includes nutrition education and behavior modification techniques that parallel what the child is learning. It also provides the opportunity for parents to interact with their child's counselor, who guides parents in creating a healthy living environment for their children -- a critical element in ensuring the long-term success of their child's efforts.

PO Box 1671 | Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 | 208-267-5550
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