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Posted March 26, 2003 

[This review has dated information. More recent information on this program can be found at]

Clarinda Academy
Clarinda, Iowa
Pam Herzberg, Admissions Director

Clarinda Academy, located in southwest Iowa, is a residential foster care facility for adjudicated delinquent males between the ages of 13 and 18. The school environment focuses on the establishment of a positive peer culture, the intervention of negative behavior and positive pro-social change. Licensed by the State of Iowa to provide residential treatment, the program is highly structured and models a positive peer culture.

Students attend on-campus individualized academic and vocational education programs, which are credited through the Clarinda Community School District. The academic education program provides standard middle school and high school curricula, remedial education, special education, and GED curricula while the vocational program offers a range of classes and experiences designed to prepare students for the world of work.

The Clarinda Academy uses a cognitive behavioral approach to assist youth in developing new ways of behaving and thinking while receiving constant feedback from peers and staff. Students work together with peers and staff to set concrete goals and to determine the steps to achieve those goals. Progress in all areas is constantly monitored and related back to the student’s daily behavior and decision-making. Throughout the student’s stay, he is challenged to experience success and analyze failures in nearly every area of life.

Students typically attend Clarinda Academy for six months to a year, depending on their progress. In addition to their residential treatment, Clarinda also offers a 90-day impact program.

PO Box 1671 | Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 | 208-267-5550
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