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Posted  January 21, 2003 

GoldenEagle Education & Training, Inc.
Westminister, Maryland
Barbara Martin, Office Manager

Practical Interventions with Adolescents in Crisis, an interactive CD-ROM offered by GoldenEagle, “Chocked full of the latest practical information” it is designed for youth care professionals, teachers, counselors, parents and grandparents to help teach how to effectively work with adolescents.

“Narrated by Chris Ely, this CD-ROM presents solutions and information on common problems faced by adults in communicating with adolescents in the home, schools, and in residential facilities.” This “modular, customizable, interactive learning system” includes a ‘learning styles profiler’, ‘targeted intervention’ for behavioral problems, ‘skill training’ in 7 core social skills, and prevention programs for violence, pregnancy, substance abuse & relationship abuse. It is “accessible to at risk, special ed, ESL, and attention deficit students.”

“This CD-ROM was one of the finalists of the Codie Awards for best new education software and best new secondary education, and its producers, Golden Eagle Education & Training, Inc., have “published 300 hours of curriculum and trained across the US with top professionals in the education and youth care fields.”

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