Seen 'n Heard - Sep,
1999 Issue (page 1).
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(July 1, 1999) Rob Spear, Sandpoint, Idaho, 208-255-1200,, announced
the formation of a new company he calls “Deliberate Directions.” Spear, an administrator for the CEDU School for more than ten years,
including serving as President of the Corporation, has resigned from CEDU to develop this start-up. He will continue ties with CEDU
as a consultant, but the main focus of his business will be public speaking, conducting growth workshops for parents, and advising
schools and programs regarding their administration.
(July 1999) YOUTH TODAY, July/August 1999, p. 13, reviews an article from The Forensic Examiner, May/June 1999, in which two researchers
analyze data from shooting incidents at 12 US schools occurring between 1993 and 1998. Using information from previous, related academic
articles on violence, they described “a classroom avenger” as typically white, physically healthy, with a negative body image, often
seen by other students as a “geek” or “nerd,” frequently “friendless, immature, and a socially-inadequate loner.” Such an individual
mixes with other outsiders, forming a bond based on their rejection by mainstream students, sharing their nihilistic philosophy and
view of the world. Not interested in typical teen interests, he may be fascinated by guns, making bombs, covert action, assassinations,
media violence and violent Internet websites. It is pointed out that this was complied before the Littleton, Colorado shootings, but
the perpetrators fit the profile well.
(July 21, 1999) Jared Balmer, Ex. Dir. for Oakley School, Oakley, Utah, 435-783-5001, reported some modifications they are making
based on the experiences from their first year. In recognizing the importance of the interview process, each applicant will spend
two days and one night at the school as an integral part of that process. Also, upon the day of admission, “All students will undergo
a drug and alcohol screen.” If a student shows positive, the student will not be admitted. Oakley students “will be randomly tested
for drugs, alcohol and nicotine,” and will be screened for drugs, alcohol and nicotine after off-campus excursions. Violations of
“the honor code through drug, alcohol and nicotine use will be subject to progressive disciplinary measures including a temporary
discharge from the school.” Students who falter in their progress will have available what they call the Re-FOCUS program, in which
the student goes camping with two staff members to process the mal- adaptive behaviors and focus on solving the student’s problems
that are interfering with his/her progress.
(July 26, 1999) Keith Corlew, Admissions for Grand River Academy, Austinburg, Ohio, 440-275- 2811,,
reports the Warren Hall Leadership Program, previously limited to students in their Senior year, has been expanded to allow grades
10 to 12 to apply for residency in Warren Hall if the student is on the Headmaster’s List or Honor Role. Also, their 10th year of
summer school consisted of 18 girls and 60 boys from 7 states and 7 countries. The school has also tightened their smoking policies
“to relieve some of the tensions and pressures on the discipline procedures incurred from smoking violations.”
(July 27, 1999) Pam Nielson, Co-Owner of Cedar Ridge RTC, Roosevelt, Utah, 435-353-4498, announced Greg Burnham MST has joined the
staff as a therapist. Burnham, an experienced hypnotherapist, also has had ropes course training, which he will use to enhance the
ropes course at Cedar Ridge. Also joining the teaching staff is Jim Schreck, a certified social studies and physical education teacher,
who will be setting up a weightlifting program.
(July 31, 1999) The following is part of a letter received by Woodbury Reports Inc., which gives a parent’s view of the media’s investigative
style of researching emotional growth schools. “She [my daughter] stated that the kids called the reporters on the fact that they
would stop writing when all positive statements of the program were being mentioned, and would only write when something negative
was mentioned…. After going through something as emotional and heart-rending as sending my child to ______ for 15 months, and then
to _______ for 4 months, I’m a little sensitive when the media totally trashes/spreads misinformation about the program that helped
save my daughter’s life.” The mother did not want her name to be used.
(August 3, 1999) Rebecca Plona, Director of Admissions for The King George School, Sutton, Vermont, 800-218- 5122, announced the students
presented their first full-length play in July titled “Shoulders of Giants.” Also, due to popular demand, Wednesday nights have been
designated “Hootenanny Nights.” New academic courses for the fall term include Advanced Placement Calculus, Biology (both Honors and
Advanced Placement), all levels of French, and Advanced Placement Art History.”
(August 3, 1999) G. Colin Rayner, Temagami Youth Challenge Program, 905-632-9458,,
reported an appreciation party for the staff the previous weekend, to thank them for their hard work. Rumor has it that the menu featured
Crab or Lobster Tail.
(August 4, 1999) Montana Academy (Admissions Director Rosemary McKinnon, Kalispell, Montana, 800-462-3404), was featured in Education
Week’s, August 4, 1999 (Volume XVIII, Number 43, p. 36,) article entitled “Schoolhouse on the Lost Prairie.” It was described as an
example of the rapidly expanding type of school for at-risk teens that emphasizes both therapy and academics.
(August 5, 1999) Aspen Ranch, in Utah, is holding a Cattle Drive and Open House, Oct. 7 to Oct. 10 for professionals working with
children who have problems. Contact is Kelly Ryan, LMFT, Denver, Colorado, 877-369-9907.
Copyright © 1999, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced
without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)