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Opinion & Essays - Oct, 1994 Issue #30 

by: Joey Dusina
Helping Hands
Orange, California

As we are all aware, the challenges facing today's youth and families are greater than ever. Teen suicide, hard drug use, teen pregnancies and violence among Juveniles (much of it gang related) are all increasing dramatically. 

Fortunately, many families in crisis are turning to educational consultants, counselors, schools and programs for much needed help.

Unfortunately, the unanswered question is exactly how the adolescent will be transported from their current location to the school or program of choice. This challenge is often the first to be overlooked. It is usually the last to be decided. It can be extremely important in that the safety of the adolescent and his/her receptiveness to the chosen school or program are at stake. Filling this void is the professional transport agency. 

Though often unknown or misunderstood, the transport agency can provide an invaluable service. It is often assumed that when the time comes the parents will escort their children. Unfortunately, at this point the parents have so much going on in their minds (anticipation, worry, guilt, etc.) that they are the last ones in the world in the correct state of mind to effect a successful transport. Also, most of today's adolescents are very astute when it comes to "getting out of" anything they perceive as potentially unpleasant. In other words, they know how to "push their parents buttons". This has the effect of getting the parents to reconsider and question in an instant the very decision they have spent many weeks and months arriving at. Use of a professional transport agency will eliminate these kinds of confrontations and get the child to the program he or she so desperately needs. Many parents, concluding that they could not handle the transport, falsely assume that the police would step in to help. Unfortunately, in this era of rising crime and shrinking budgets, this is the last activity the police feel they can become involved with. 

Therefore, the task of transport is best left to the professional transport agency. While the actual transport may be an often difficult job, I can personally state after 15 years in the field that the rewards of helping turn a troubled child's life around far outweighs any other considerations. 

Copyright © 1994, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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