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New Perspectives - Oct, 1993 Issue #24 

[Editorial Comment: New Horizons Youth Ministries has informed us since this New Perspectives was written, they now enroll only students that have not yet turned 18. -Lon Dec. 14, 2005]

Marion, Ind.; Ontario, Canada;
and Escuela Caribe, Dominican Republic
Dr. Gordon C. Blossom, Founder * 1 (800) 333-4009
by Linda Shaffer

New Horizons is a therapeutic educational program designed for emotionally, socially, and educationally underachieving adolescents utilizing three locations - the U.S., Canada and the Dominican Republic.

Stateside, students attend school in Marion, Ind. with academics in the morning. After school cleanup, the afternoon is for therapeutic groups, physical education, chapels and study periods.

The Dominican Republic program has seven buildings on 25 acres in the central highlands amidst palm-fringed beaches, rice paddies and mountains. Experience-oriented learning is emphasized with teachers providing tutored course work on a one-to-one basis. Music, recreation, hiking and anthropology field trips are a part of learning about the culture in which the students are living.

The third program is in the remote Canadian north woods -- in the Missanabie Woods. Here, there is time to consider past and present choices away from negative peer influence. The staff have degrees or certification in outdoor education, English, biology, chemistry, math, history, psychology, home and family, water safety instruction, emergency medical training and Christian education.

Copyright © 1993, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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