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Opinion & Essays - Feb, 1992 Issue 


All is well here in Alabama. The rain is a constant and we hope it will hold off long enough to complete a gymnasium at both Tennessee and Alabama OTPs.

Amy Sobieszczyk
Three Springs

Thanks for including us in your Directory of Outstanding Special Purpose Schools and Programs. We have received several inquiries as a direct result of Wilderness Treatment Centers being listed in your directory.

Pete Anderson
Marion, Montana

He spent a month in Florida attending the "Directive Program" that Outward Bound offers. He had three or four rocky days at the start, but completed the program in a very positive way. (....) worked hard and commented to me that this was the first group he has been in where he did not feel compelled to be the center of attention. I truly appreciate your information and will keep it in my file if I should have need of it. We all hope (....) succeeds this time at (John Dewey Academy) because this is the only school that makes a serious attempt with the academics and is patient with the type of student body that is there. Only time will tell.

From P.M., Connecticut

Copyright © 1992, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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