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Seen 'n Heard - February, 1991 Issue (page 2).

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Intermountain Wilderness Programs Association
The Intermountain Wilderness Programs Association is continuing to meet regularly to help improve quality in the industry. President is Doug Nelson of Aspen Achievement Center and Secretary is Karen Wells of Wilderness Conquest.

Ezekiel Sanches of Anasazi Will Spend More Time in Field
I hear in ANASAZI, in Arizona, that Mike Merchant will be handling the office more so Larry D. Olsen and Ezekiel Sanchez can spend more time in the field.

Explorations Plans Trip
Loren Riddell, of Explorations in Western Montana, is planning to take their home based students to Yellowstone Park in February for a week of cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.

One Experience Available to Rocky Mountain Academy Students
One of the experiences available to Rocky Mountain Academy students is Ishi, named after the last survivor of the Northern California Yahi Indians. Learning to live the Yahi Way means to learn to live simply without the everyday distractions and conveniences that modern man feels are necessities.

David Denman Reports on Goals of TIME OUT
David Denman, an Education Consultant from Mill Valley, California, reports clients from a half dozen states for his service called TIME OUT. The goal of TIME OUT is to help young people and those not so young who wish "to extend their education and enrich their personal development by means of carefully arranged, extraordinary experiences." Experiences arranged by David include working with a conservation corps in Australia, working on an Israel Kibbutz, placement as assistant to a team of solid-state physics researchers at the Technological University in Holland, working as a junior staff member at an elementary boarding school on a farm in the East, and an extended cross-country bus tour. His focus is not so much "where to go" or "what to do", but is more developmental in that he looks at what goals and experiences would nurture the most growth in each individual.

Common Denominator of CEDU Families
"The common denominator of CEDU families is the absence of meaningful communication between parent and adolescent.... [the] parent communication system .... has evolved a program that has as its goal the establishment of communication not just between the school and the parents, but between the parents and child as well."
The CEDU School newsletter, Winter, 1990. Deborah Scott & Jean Giordano - Editors.

Copyright © 1991, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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