Second Nature Team Transitions
To Willow Creek
Mollie Mylar, Director of Admissions
Phone: 435-658-5490
Fax: 435-604-6929
March 13, 2006
Second Nature is proud to announce that as of January of 2006
we have entered into a partnership with the Willow Creek School.
David Hillstead, Sam Dahlin and Mollie Mylar have transitioned
into their new roles at the Willow Creek School. We all have experienced
some sadness in leaving the wilderness, but bring with us much
excitement and enthusiasm for our new roles at Willow Creek.
Mollie will be the Director of Admissions. David will be leading
the family therapy component, while Sam will be focusing on our
comprehensive addictions program. Mirroring Second Nature's philosophy
of owner involvement, David and Sam will each maintain a full
caseload of students.
We have been focusing on integrating more of an emotionally focused
component, by helping the students understand the real feelings
that are driving their unhealthy coping mechanisms. We are working
to create a clinical team that will move away from behaviorism
to an approach that provides the students with a strong resource
to understand themselves and their needs.
As we help students develop a more heightened awareness of their
personal needs, we can then integrate our academic and vocational
program to give students real opportunities to discover their
strengths and talents. We believe that each student is very unique
and we are prepared to be flexible and creative in meeting their
treatment needs.
We are committed to a holistic approach that will not only manage
the students in this school, but will give them the tools to find
success and happiness in their lives.
If you have any questions about Willow Creek School, please contact
Mollie Mylar at the number listed above or 801-201-8717 (cell).
We look forward to working with you.
Best regards,
David, Sam and Mollie