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Stow, ME

Extended Stay Program

Adam Tsapis, Admissions Director

March 3, 2006

Summit Achievement is pleased to remind you of our Extended Stay Program for graduates of Summit Achievement or other wilderness programs**.

The Extended Stay Program allows students continue their participation in the Summit milieu but with an increased emphasis on academic work and a decrease in the wilderness component.

Summit's Extended Stay Program is a flexible length residential program designed to provide a continuum of therapeutic care in tandem with individualized academic instruction in the safe, supportive and productive environment of the Summit Achievement community.

The Extended Stay Program's academic focus allows students to complete their academic semester when facing a separation from school, or develop and maintain academic and organizational skills while awaiting an opening at school. Individualized academic choices include Summit's state licensed school curriculum and proctored independent coursework through the University of Nebraska/Lincoln's Independent Study High School Curriculum or Brigham Young University Independent Study. (SAT/ACT prep and some AP courses are available.)

Extended Stay's five-day academic schedule is enhanced by engaging activities such as community service, service learning opportunities, excursions to libraries and museums, technical rock/ice climbing, skiing, snowboarding and canoeing. This combination offers students the structure and support to guide them towards assuming increased responsibility for their own therapeutic and academic achievement.

Enrollment is limited. Cost is $250 daily
Not available from June16 - Sept 7

**Because our Extended Stay Program requires maturity and responsibility, students enrolling from other wilderness programs must participate in Summit's weekly expeditions for a minimum of 3 weeks in order to demonstrate their readiness for the relative freedoms and responsibilities before transitioning to the Extended Stay Program.

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