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Haverhill, NH

Summer Session 2006
An Exploration in Creative Self Discovery
July 9-August 20, 2006

Jamie Carver, M.Ed,
Summer School Director

January 6, 2006

For thousands of years, humans have used creative outlets to both express their feelings, as well as to understand their meaning. The late John Wolter, the person most responsible for the founding visions that have become The Oliverian School, was no different. John was a man of deep reflection, in both his purpose in life, and in the purpose of life. In the spirit of his life and legacy, The Oliverian School has decided to base this years' summer school on the theme "Spirit Quest" An Exploration in Creative Self-Discovery.

Summer session students will complete course work and receive ½ credit in all core academic subjects, while exploring a their talents, ambitions and interests through a variety of creative classes, workshops and presenters in the areas of Art, Music, Writing, Culinary Arts, Digital Photography and other creative venues. Embracing our approach of integrating a hands-on group project into our curriculum, we have decided to dedicate the summer of 2006 to the building of a stone spiritual center on Iron Mountain, part our 2000 acre wildlife preserve with panoramic views of the White Mountains, Green Mountains and Connecticut River Valley.

Summer session is a supportive, college preparatory environment, allowing students to learn to manage their time within an active and structured environment. Afternoon and weekend activities include a number of outdoor and adventure related trips and activities, including rock climbing, canoeing, white water rafting and sailing. Tuition for this six week program is $8,000 and includes room, board, academic instruction, advising & counseling services as needed.

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