To Woodbury personnel who approve new logins and
I stumbled across your web site recently. A few years ago,
as the mother of a teenager who was having many conduct problems,
I enrolledmy son in Rocky Mountain Academy (RMA) and the results
were more than his father and I could ever have hoped for.
He is now a student at the U of Minnesota, looking at graduate
school opportunities, but more than that, he is a happy, aware
individual who is connected with those around him. He just
spent a college semester abroad in a program that the U of
M contracts with in Amsterdam, and since he knew that I would,
as a parent, be a little nervous about him being overseas
and in that particular location, he set up a web site on which
he posted multiple photos and information to keep us in touch
with his actitivities and locations.
As a result of our family's experiences at RMA, not only
has my son done well, but I was inspired to change my fown
field of interest. I was a biologist and MBA ,and on the basis
of my RMA interactions with Bill Valentine and with Mel Wasserman
in the last Advanced Workshop that he gave at RMA, I entered
the field of psychology. I was just granted my Masters' and
am working on my Doctorate, and it is my hope to start a school
of my own someday, keeping intact the ideas that Mel and his
compatriates developed.
So, on this basis, I am very interested in your web site.
I have submitted a registration and have been assigned a login
(user) name and a password and am waiting to have approval,
as I think that I can gain from hearing the concerns of other
parents, as well as being able to contribute to the understanding
of others on the basis of my own experience with an emotional
growth boarding school.
A.S. Hall
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2004, Woodbury Reports, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(This article may not be reproduced without written approval
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