- The following press release refers to a web site that offers
no identification of the people behind the website, their
credentials and/or experience.)

SupportingTeens.com is a state of the art website that focuses
on the positive aspects of helping at-risk youth. Our primary
goal is to help unite the efforts of those professionals who
utilize a positive approach in youth service endeavors. A
"positive approach" includes those movements in
Psychology, youth services, and the field of education who
adopt a positive and optimistic view of human nature and human
potential over a more "medicalized" and deficit-model
philosophy. Examples of a positive approach might include
the efforts of Positive Psychology, certain educational approaches,
and any asset-based perspectives to fostering youth development.
Whether you are a parent, an educational consultant, or a
program representative, a more positive approach to helping
youth is desperately needed, and we call on all of those interested
to help further this cause.
In the upcoming months, we have high expectations of those
that would like to participate. From news stories and current
events to new studies and new methods; we want to know what
is going on so we can help provide a medium that reaches everyone.
Those who sign up as a member and would like to submit articles,
press releases, etc… may do so by submitting a request
to newsadmin@supportingteens.com.
We are currently offering every group or individual who is
trying to influence teens in a positive way, a chance to be
involved with us. We are offering various forms of advertising
space at the SupportingTeens.com website and also our soon
to follow SupportingTeens Magazine. For those who wish to
advertise with us today, we are offering a special promotion
to kick things off. Right now we are currently offering a
"3 for 2" deal. Purchase your ad space and get 3
months of advertising access for the price of 2 months.
We are also offering a special "Featured Spotlight"
promotion. The first people who register online and order
a 6 month advertising option will also receive "Featured
Spotlight Article" of their service or program. This
is a section that will be located on the website front page
along with a section in the magazine. The two offers can not
be used together.
So, come join us today in helping provide a centralized access
portal for Parents, Programs, and Professionals.
Editor's Note: In researching
this site, we found that the phone number on the www.supportingteens.com,
site is 801-717-8010, which is the same number used by the River
Rock Academy, owned by William Fleming of Orem, Utah and announced
in Woodbury
In addition, the www.supportingteens.com
address is PO Box 1101, Orem Utah, which is the same address
for Teen
Transporters, also owned by William Fleming of Orem, Utah,
as announced in Woodbury
We were contacted by a parent who called the Supporting Teens
phone number about his son and almost immediately received emails
with considerable detail from Kathy Allred, Admissions Coordinator,
LIFELINES FAMILY SERVICES, www.lifelineshotline.com
and www.lifeslinesfamilyservices.com
(this one seems to be not available). The resources mentioned
in the emails included C. S. Landre "Star of Life"
Foundation. The emails stated they "represent
several specific specialty boarding schools" which included:
Academy Ivy Ridge, Ogdensbury, NY
Cross Creek Programs in southern Utah.
Carolina Springs Academy, in South Carolina.
Darrington Academy in Blue Ridge, Georgia.
Horizon Academy on the Nevada/California border.
Majestic Ranch, Randolph, Utah.
Midwest Academy in Keokuk, Iowa.
Pilars of Hope, Costa Rica.
Respect Camp, 30 day boot camp in Lucedale, Mississippi.
Spring Creek Lodge, in Thompson Falls, Montana.
Tranquility Bay in Jamaica.
Woodland Hills Maternity Home, in Salem, Utah.
Transport Companies referred to as approved and in
good standing with Lifelines Family Services were:
First Response Transports, Gene McMahan.
Rick Strawn Security Services, Rick and Susan Strawn.
Steadfast Security, LeRoy DeVore.
Teen Escort, Ann & Kay Atwood.
Teen Intervention Services, Glenda and James Paulus.
Spring Creek Lodge Second Chance Transport.
Trusting Hands Adolescent Services, for California students
Majestic Ranch Intercept Transport Services.
Help Our Teen Adolescent Services: Cross Creek or Majestic