
Parent Choices Radio Show
Growing Boys into Men - A Christian Perspective
Mar 12, 2013, 06:04

Woodbury Reports, Inc
Bonners Ferry, ID

Growing Boys into Men- A Christian Perspective

Lon Woodbury, MA, CEP, IECA

Mark Vander Ley
Clinical Supervisor/Author/Blogger
Quincy, IL

March 11, 2013

On today's Parent Choices for Struggling Teens, author, blogger, Clinical Supervisor and full time Dad, Mark Vander Ley discussed with Lon Woodbury the Christian definition of manhood, the challenges parents face when raising boys and the important role that mothers and fathers play in "growing boys into men."

With boys today, the absence of fathers or even positive male role models is having a toll on our sons. "We learn to be a dad from our dads, and as a youth pastor, I saw the need to help grow and raise boys to be an 'authentic man'- not the type the media portrays: macho men, who are tough, physically and emotionally strong, who never cry; but rather a 'scriptural model of a man' who is empathetic, spiritual and caring. I see a Christian man as someone growing in wisdom and stature, a leader and a man who is gentle and loving, who can respond with thought and is morally informed- of what's right and what's wrong, men, who are like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, who teach and live with respect for others. A man is to protect both physically and emotionally, just as Jesus died for our sins."

The number one thing a parent can do for their child/children is to pray and the benefit of prayer creates a calming effect on you as the parent, therefore you can respond and work with your child, maintain your relationship and bring safety to the situation. "Live a life you would want your son to live, you be the model; by passing on values (be intentional on what values you want to pass on to your child), be a compassionate man and show your son, serving alongside your children and managing or teaching them how to handle a problem and teaching your son to honor their mother, their sisters and eventually their wives. A positive male role model is also needed for our daughters, so that they know how a man is supposed to treat them, with respect and to protect and they learn this from watching how their Dad treats their Mom." Fathers today are really trying to change the modern image of a Dad, from a bungling funny guy, to a man of value, who is compassionate and caring."

To listen to the full interview go to Growing Boys Into Men - A Christian Perspective on LATalkRadio.
Also available in Podcast

Lon Woodbury is the owner/founder of Woodbury Reports Inc. and He has worked with families and struggling teens since 1984 and is the host of Parent Choices for Struggling Teens.

Mark Vander Ley, the father of three boys and one daughter, is the author of two ebooks available on "Stuff Dads Say - The Most Important Messages from Dad" and "Parenting Peace". Mark is also a blogger on his site- Parenting Boys Raising Men and is the Clinical Supervisor at Chaddock School, a therapeutic day school in Quincy, IL.

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