
Breaking News
NATSAP Selects Summit Achievement As An RDP
Jul 21, 2016, 16:28

Summit Achievement
Stow, ME

NATSAP Selects
Summit Achievement As An RDP

Sheri L. Singer

Summit Achievement successfully uses statistical data to measure outcomes and has been selected by the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs as a Research Designated Program (RDP). The new RDP designation is bestowed upon NATSAP-member programs, such as Summit Achievement, that have demonstrated data-driven outcomes in working with young people with emotional or behavioral difficulties.

"Being one of the first programs in the country to achieve the RDP designation demonstrates our dedication to using data to measure our student outcomes," said Nichol Ernst, Executive and Clinical Director of Summit Achievement. "We're using data to communicate to parents, students and consumers the efficacy of our program which as a result, has increased the understanding of our programs' impact on youth and their families."

"Programs that examine their work, and contribute to the scholarly, professional and practical understanding of the effects of our members' interventions, deserve the appropriate recognition," said Clifford Brownstein, Executive Director, NATSAP. "We strongly encourage all NATSAP-member programs to begin a systematic examination of their work, and join those programs who are engaged in these efforts currently."

"Providing data that examines the impact and effectiveness of NATSAP member schools and programs is the responsibility of every residential treatment center, wilderness treatment program, therapeutic schools and those committed to helping adolescents and young adults with behavior challenges," said Michael Gass, Ph.D., LMFT, College of Health and Human Services, University of New Hampshire, who has spearheaded NATSAP's Outcomes Research Project for the past decade.

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