
Breaking News
Ravenscraft Departs Sedona Sky
May 17, 2018, 10:15

Ravenscraft Departs
Sedona Sky Academy

Paul Ravenscraft

Dear Colleagues,

Today was the last day of my employment at Sedona Sky Academy. After ten years and working with you on hundreds of families I want to say "thank you." Your passion, integrity and commitment to this work has always been an inspiration. It has been a privilege to work in partnership with you.

While there are always stressors and uncertainties when we do this important work the importance of the work, rather the calling, is never in doubt. I wish you and The Academy the very, very best.

I can be reached via private email at Drop me a line sometime and say "hello."

I will be looking out for new opportunities as well as taking on freelance marketing projects.

Warm regards,
Paul Ravenscraft

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