
Extended Insights
To Pumpkin Spice or Not To Pumpkin Spice?
Oct 9, 2018, 12:39

Pumpkin Spice or No Pumpkin Spice?

Submitted by Mansfield Hall

To Pumpkin Spice or Not To Pumpkin Spice?
That is the Question.

It is fall, which means it is time for shorter days and cooling nights, for leaves to turn yellow and orange, time to swap swim trunks and flip-flops for sweaters and fleece, and it is time for your local coffee purveyor to threaten/offer to spike anything left standing still and unattended with pumpkin spice fairy dust.

This also means that it is the time of year when high school seniors are acting like they have it all together, but are actually freaking out on the inside about college applications and whether or not State U. is actually a stretch or safety school.

It is also that time when parents begin to consider whether or not their college-capable student is actually college-ready.
  • How long has the student been setting, and then waking up to, their own morning alarm?
  • How much laundry do (or can) they actually do on their own?
  • How many meals have they prepared, and when left to their own devices, what do they choose to eat?
  • How many long nights are spent at the kitchen table fretting over homework, for it to just be left in the backpack and never turned in, despite having finally solved for X the night before?
  • How many times have you said "Dinner is for face time, not FaceTime. Please put your your phone away!"

Mansfield Hall is designed to support students who are college-capable, but may still need some structured academic, executive functioning, pro-social, and/or independent living skill support as they transition into college and independence. By providing a safe, supported, and socially-engaging residential environment we are able to provide our students both a "soft landing" in college and a "long runway" as they build skills, speed, and lift so they can take off independently.

The leap from home and high school to college and independence is a big one - especially for students who have identified learning differences or challenges with social cognition or executive functioning.

Mansfield Hall is designed to Bridge the Gap.
If you, or someone you know, is about to navigate the transition from high school to college please check out this handy guide, which can help students and families evaluate the key differences between high school and college.

It can definitely help with the "college-ready" question.

It cannot help at all with the "Would you like pumpkin spice in that?" question. You are on your own for that one. Choose wisely!

Mansfield Hall’s Mission is to build a community that empowers and supports students with diverse learning needs to
earn a college degree, develop authentic living skills, and create a meaningful life.

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About Mansfield Hall:
Mansfield Hall is designed to Bridge the Gap between the leap from home and high school to college and independence. It is a big gap - especially for students who have identified learning differences or challenges with social cognition or executive functioning.

© Copyright 2012 by Woodbury Reports, Inc.