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John Dewey Academy: Cultivating a Growth Mindset
Nov 26, 2018, 12:19

John Dewey Academy: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Paul Ravenscraft
Director of Outreach and Marketing

The faculty at John Dewey Academy is committed to life long learning. Recently, as part of our professional development series we held an all-staff workshop and retreat on developing a “Growth Mindset.” It’s long been believed that creativity, intelligence and personality are “fixed traits,” but the “Growth Mindset” demonstrates that these qualities can be cultivated through effort.

Here are 20 techniques that John Dewey has been applying to create a Growth Mindset among our students and in our community.

Try these in your own life and see their impact for yourself:
  1. Acknowledge and embrace imperfections.
  2. View challenges as opportunities.
  3. Try different learning tactics.
  4. Follow the research on brain plasticity.
  5. Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”
  6. Stop seeking approval.
  7. Value the process over the end result.
  8. Cultivate a sense of purpose.
  9. Celebrate growth with others.
  10. Emphasize growth over speed.
  11. Reward actions, not traits.
  12. Redefine “genius” genius requires hard work.
  13. Portray criticism as positive.
  14. Disassociate improvement from failure.
  15. Provide regular opportunities for reflection.
  16. Place effort before talent.
  17. Highlight the relationship between learning and “brain training.”
  18. Cultivate grit.
  19. Abandon the image.
  20. Use the word “yet.” When you struggle you haven’t failed just have not mastered it YET.

John Dewey Academy is a 30 bed, co-ed therapeutic boarding school located in the historic town of Great Barrington, MA. It has an unrivaled academic program with PhD level instruction, 100% college placement, and PhD level therapists. Length of stay is a minimum of 15 month and college process and placement is the outcome goal for all students. Psychiatric support is available. Tours are offered weekly.

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