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DeLaMare Welcome Oakley To The InnerChange Family
Aug 5, 2013, 14:24

Salt Lake City, UT

DeLaMare Welcome Oakley
To The InnerChange Family

Dustin Tibbitts

Dear Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to announce InnerChange's new partnership with the Oakley School.

Many of you recall that over fifteen years ago I was part of a team of committed care experts who founded Oakley. One of my co-founders was James Meyer. As the school's first and only executive director, James grew Oakley considerably yet kept it rooted in sound therapeutic principles. James has decided to take a new position that allows him to grow professionally with a new focus, but he has established a strong team of leaders that, in partnership with InnerChange, will build upon Oakley's legacy.

The new executive director of Oakley will be Paul Taylor, M.S. Paul is currently the executive director at Copper Canyon Academy in Arizona. I was very impressed with Paul's collaborative leadership style, deep love and commitment to his students, and his passion for the work of healing families. Paul will start officially on August 22.

In addition to his impressive work in residential treatment, Paul has a great affinity for the Oakley area. As a native Utahn, Paul caught his first fish in the streams near Oakley and has hiked many of the local trails. Paul and his family feel they are truly "coming home".

Paul remarked that he will be taking the reins of a prestigious program at Oakley. The school has strong academics, averaging at least two college acceptances for every graduating senior. Oakley has AP and honors courses and prepares its students for life outside of treatment settings through a heavy dose of weekly off-campus activities. In addition, Oakley is unique in how it fully integrates its students' families into its program. This is in complete alignment with InnerChange's CORE methodology, and one of the many reasons we are so happy about this partnership.

InnerChange's leaders (especially me!) could not be more excited to work with the staff and students at the Oakley School. We'll learn from each other in our mutual mission to advance the best practices in residential therapy.

Please help me welcome Oakley to the InnerChange family!

Kimball DeLaMare, LCSW
Senior Vice President of Legacy and Business Development

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