
Breaking News
Alex Stavros Of Lia Capital Is New Partner At CALO
Nov 14, 2011, 14:11

Change Academy Lake of the Ozarks
Lake Ozark, MO

Alex Stavros Of Lia Capital
Is New Partner At CALO

Ken Huey, PhD, CEO

November 11, 2011

(A letter from CEO and founder of CALO, Ken Huey):

Dear CALO Parents, Guardians, and Friends,

I am writing to you today to inform you about some exciting developments at CALO.

Many of you know that Landon Kirk, MSW, LCSW, Clinical Director/COO/ co-founder, Nicole Fuglsang, MA, LPC, NCC, Director of Public Relations and Business Development/co-founder, Rob Gent, MA, LPC, Assistant Clinical Director and I have a minority ownership stake in CALO.

Our majority partner has always been largely silent and lets us run the business as we saw fit. They provided some back-office support for us in billing and IT systems over the years and otherwise stayed largely in the background. There has been much to recommend such an arrangement given the autonomy we have enjoyed, with support as needed. We have always known that at some point our partner would like to sell their ownership and that time has come.

The really great news is they have let Landon, Nicole, Rob and I be a vocal part of that process and together we have found what we believe is the perfect partner for CALO's future.

The name of our new investment and operating partner is Lia Capital. Lia Capital is headed by Alex Stavros. Alex has an MBA from Stanford that will provide us with tremendous in-house talent relative to business growth and financial stability. He also has the right heart and life experience to be part of our mission. Alex has moved to the lake and will work at CALO with oversight in many areas. He, Landon, Nicole, Rob, and I will be the guiding force behind growth and innovation at CALO. He will be impossible to miss if you come to our campus. Please say hello and give him a warm welcome. As you can tell, we are very excited about our future with Alex and grateful to have him on our team.

CALO is a co-ed, residential treatment center for teens struggling with issues of trauma and attachment. They work within their beautiful environment and are widely known for using Golden Retrievers to teach lessons of "transferable attachment" to students.

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