
New Perspectives
New Perspectives

Jun 24, 2005, 15:47

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Darlene Pessein, MSW, LCSW, Program Manager
Inercept Website

Innercept is a new program that offers both an adolescent and young adult residential environment. Innercept is accepting enrollment for at-risk youth in both of its co-ed residential programs. The program accepts no more than eight students at a time, and each is encouraged to experience community building with their peers while balancing school, work and relationships. The goal is to “encourage a balance between physical health and fitness, environment, relationships, self-esteem and values while focusing on the individual needs, strengths and deficits of each student.”

According to the brochure the strengths of the Innercept Adolescent Program are: A comprehensive psychiatric and therapeutic coordination of individual/family needs; groups led by “highly specialized and experienced clinicians” in the areas of psychotherapy, medical/mental health, nutrition, health and fitness, education, leisure, relationships and goals; educational specialists design tailored educational plans to facilitate learning styles and transcript building; a licensed clinical school psychologist; a holistic approach to build support and provide a balanced developmental progress; and weekly updates with program specialists and family.

The brochure says the Innercept Young Adult Program offers the following strengths: A college type of living arrangement with peers, roommates and authority figures; GED services and/or college courses through a local community college; skill building which includes money management; medication management, individual/family/group therapy; supervised health and fitness program; nutritional mentoring by registered dietitian; and daily groups dealing with schedule maintenance, decision making, leisure and responsibility.

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