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Posted: May 22, 2008 08:16

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Florence Crittenton Home
Helena, MT

Barbara Burton Receives
Excellence In Leadership Award

Elizabeth Flynn
Marketing Director
406-442-6950 x209

May 21, 2008

Barbara Burton was today awarded the ICCW 10th Annual Excellence in Leadership Award.

Barbara was nominated by the staff at the Florence Crittenton Home where she is Executive Director. Attached is a copy of Barbs nomination written collectively by the women she employs at the home together with her letter of recommendation.

Barb received her award today from Join Lt. Governor John Bohlinger at the State Capitol Building in front of many friends, family, board members staff from the home.

"I am incredibly surprised and honored by this award. It is my privilege to spend each day working with very dedicated, smart, compassionate women who are all leaders in their own right and are paving the way for the next generation of young women with the work we do at Florence Crittenton." said Burton.

The Interagency Committee for Change by Women (ICCW) is an organization established by Executive Order of the Governor. ICCW honors persons who have created positive change for all state employees by promoting the full participation of women in state government.

ICCW established the Excellence in Leadership awards (ELA) in 1999 to honor three individuals for exemplary leadership and achievements or for outstanding efforts to assist women to excel in the workplace.

Barbara Burton has been the Executive Director of Florence Crittenton Home since July 2006 and has worked at the Home for the last 9 years. As the Executive Director, she believes deeply in the mission, philosophy and goals of the Home. In her spare time, she is pursuing a Masters Degree in Non-Profit Management. Barb leads by example and is a positive role model for not only her staff but also the young mothers in the Home. Barb has implemented policies that allow her staff to successfully juggle home and work, such as ample maternity and family leave, mental health days and empowers every woman in the organization to reach her potential. The Florence Crittenton Home has an inviting, nurturing and trusting atmosphere, benefiting both the teenage mothers and staff.

Barbara Burton was nominated by Angela Azure, Development Specialist. Angela noted that "Barb leads by example, her warmth and courage becoming contagious, so that staff also support one another in this tough and mentally draining field."

Florence Crittenton Home provides therapeutic residential care to pregnant and parenting young women aged 12 to 21. Many of the girls served have experienced multiple personal challenges. Treatment includes 24-hour care within a loving environment, intensive therapy, parenting classes and emphasizes the need for a strong bond between mother, child and extended family enabling healing to occur and creating healthy relationships.

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