James Morton, CEO of Achievement Transition Group, INC announces the addition of their new program AT-HOME. This early intervention service assists parents navigating the challenges of risky behavior in their adolescent child, providing support, engaging community resources and help keep their child at home or minimize the time away from home if that becomes necessary.
Similar to an intensive case manager, one of our Transition Specialists visit in the home gaining perspectives of the family dynamics and interviews its members. Through our assessment tools, we will identify as well as coordinate necessary services that support and make the most of family and community resources.
By early intervention, the family can minimize the disruptions to the family life, minimize the financial burden with preventive and an early intervention approach and should an out of home placement be necessary, we guide the family to educational consultants for placement and provide support to the family through the decision process, enrollment and aftercare.
We work closely with program professionals, providing continuity of care. As a result, the family concentrates on leveraging resources to develop and stabilize its own internal structures and limit the family's need for outside interventions.
Achievement Transition Group, Inc continues their commitment to: Our Mission, grounded in faith, is to lead, mentor and resource families with adolescent children and young adults toward fulfilling their hopes and dreams.