Sandpoint, Idaho
Fred Lange, Enrollment Coordinator
Alliance Behavior
Consulting creates change where it most needs to happen – in
the home. ABC offers guidance and support to children
and families who recently departed or successfully completed any
therapeutically based residential program. We use a team approach
to create customized in-home behavior programs to affect and maintain
permanent change within the family system. The idea behind ABC
is centered in Psychosocial Rehabilitation, or traditional “wrap
around services.” Many states require these services as a follow
up to hospitalizations or residential placements because it reduces
the likelihood of relapse. Frequently, tremendous gains are made
at the residential program, only to be lost when the child returns
to the same environment.
Dr. Alexander, our child and adolescent psychiatrist, is very supportive
of Alliance’s wrap around services and enthusiastic about the move
into the private sector: “In-home services are the best way to ensure
long term changes for children and adolescents. Research has proven
its effectiveness for all major behavioral and psychiatric problems
including substance abuse, mood disorders, ADHD, and PTSD.” Our
team reviews each individual situation and designs a plan which
will best meet the family’s goals. In our experience, it is often
beneficial for two Behavior Consultants to work with a family. This
prevents enmeshment and allows parents and kids to hear two different
Alliance Behavior Consulting offers continuing support for one year,
with the level of involvement decreasing over time. Customized Family
Success Plans are designed and monitored by ABC, but implemented
by the family. ABC is currently seeking contracts with RTC’s and
boarding schools in order to strengthen their aftercare.