New Perspectives - September, 2002 Issue #97
Four Seasons of Education, Arts, and Outdoor Adventure
Rich & Wendy Simpson
Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Pathways is a positive and creative environment for five
students who are on their way to completing high school and are ready to develop skills that will help them transition into adulthood.
Boys ages 14 to 19 who have been to wilderness programs, emotional growth or therapeutic schools and still need to finish their high
school requirements, are ideal candidates for the program. Most students complete the requirements of their High school diploma through
an accredited distance education program, and can also attend college classes when appropriate. All courses are fully accredited and
transferable, with the school work being done under the guidance of a tutor.
Pathways reassesses the attitudes, relationships and experiences the student has accumulated in life and provides a “positive and
focused environment” that will help the students forge a new and deeper identity, free from cultural and peer influences.
Rich and Wendy Simpson have been working with at-risk teenagers in their home for more than nine years. They recently
acquired another house for the new primary location and have hired more staff enabling them to expand the opportunities for arts and
recreation activities.