New Perspectives - July, 2002 Issue #95
Kitty Petty ADD/LD Institute
Palo Alto, CA 94306-2020
The Kitty Petty ADD/LD Institute, was established in June of 1995
as a public non-profit corporation, to respond to the needs of those with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders and Learning Differences,
their families, educators, and those who provide services to them. They offer sliding-scale membership fees to encourage support from
individuals, teachers, families, professionals, and corporate partners.
They provide education and referrals, current research data and quality support to children, youth and adults with ADHD/LD. By developing
or co-sponsoring community outreach projects and innovative education programs, they help those experiencing the life altering effects
of ADHD and LD to maximize their strengths, become self-advocates and reach their true potential.
KPI publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Adventurer, and a semi- annual research R&D Report for members. Offering the largest
ADHD/LD referral network in the California, they collaborate with the Family Education Foundation, the Institute for the Advancement
of Human Behavior, Schwab Learning, and other local agencies by promoting their educational programs. A unique, highly specialized,
multi- sensory ADHD/LD lending library with more than 650 titles of books and audio/video tapes is maintained for use by our members.
They are presenting their Seventh Annual Symposium on Saturday, September 28, 2002 entitled: “Reformatting Your ‘Hard Drive’ – A Guide
for ADD/LD Teens & Teen Advocates,” in which middle School, high school and college students will perform role-playing, sketches,
and mock classrooms to interact with presenters in expressing what would help them achieve their true potential after graduating from