New Perspectives - June,
2002 Issue #94
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Tim Robinette, Director
Adventure Alternatives
is an outdoor adventure company founded in 1985 that custom designs programs to fit the needs of their clients. Each staff member
is experienced in providing outdoor programs and experiential based training, and is fully trained in the technical aspect of their
program. All staff members maintain medical certifications of EMT and Wilderness First Responder.
Programs range from 3 to 6 months throughout the year. Adventure Alternatives works with small groups of males ages 10-18, who are:
substance abusers, beyond parental control, experiencing low self- esteem and low self-confidence, depression, struggling with school,
angry, defiant, bright but not achieving, choosing the wrong friends or about to enter the juvenile justice system. They also consider
students who are ADD, ADHD, and ODD.
The program begins at the base camp with a 3-day introduction and assessment phase. Once camp is set, the first group session begins.
Adventure Alternatives uses ropes courses as a tool for the initial treatment plan and assessment. Counseling occurs every day. The
next step is to move into the wilderness adventure phase. Groups of 6 students or less and 3 staff members go on an expedition, which
encourages emotional growth, trust, and development of friendships. The final phase is ‘Homeward Bound’, where students work with
an EMS/ Fire Service Project, learn special medical emergency drills and are tested on the skills they have learned. Together the
students draft a group action plan for their family conference, with each student using the group plan as a template for his individual
action plan, to convey future actions and behaviors.