New Perspectives - Apr,
2002 Issue #92
Glencairn Academy
Cayuga, Ontario, CANADA
Wayne C. Mackness – Headmaster
Glencairn Academy is an independent, residential school for young
men and women who are in grades 7 and higher, who have been experiencing difficulties in a traditional learning environment. All programming
is delivered in the context of a Behavior Code, which is specifically designed to establish and encourage the internalization of morals
and values in the students.
A complete academic program is offered at Glencairn Academy, with all courses developed according to the requirements of the Ontario
Ministry of Education and Training. Teachers place a strong emphasis on developing the fundamental skills of organization, time management,
research skills and study techniques. These skills are combined with effective computer use, current technology and an understanding
of differences in learning styles to “provide a solid base for academic development.” Class sizes are kept to 10 or fewer students
in all core curriculum classes and are combined with a comprehensive tutorial program and mandatory, supervised study halls. Students
are allowed to develop personal choices and become completely prepared for post-secondary education.
The highly qualified, and experienced faculty members at Glencairn Academy are mentors to the students, overseeing academic progress
as well as guiding the students to realize their potential. This mentoring process “ensures dialogue and supportive feedback on a
regular basis.” Mentors guide the development of social growth, problem solving and self worth. The residential staff provides 24-
hour supervision, care and counseling, and adventure training.
Behavioral and academic expectations are “clearly defined,” with performance in all areas being monitored and assessed. The student’s
growth is guided through a scale of positive and negative consequences. Discipline is firm but not autocratic. Glencairn Academy requires
all members – students, faculty and staff – to contribute to a safe, orderly and productive atmosphere where “the rights of others
are well-respected and where learning and growth will flourish.”