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Quotes - Apr, 2001 Issue 


At every level of education, the selfhood of the teacher is key. Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness. We teach who we are.
- Parker Palmer
The Courage to Teach
Time will teach more than all our thoughts
- Benjamin Disraeli
71% of American high school students go to schools of one thousand or more, according to the U.S. Dept. of Education. Yet, everything we know about the needs of families and adolescents says smaller is better -- for the uniqueness of young people, for their achievement, for feelings of connection, for their sense of self.
- Miss Hall's School
New York Times, 9/5/2000
How can we help young people lead lives that are full of energy, joy, and meaning, when their lifestyles encourage passivity, boredom, and alienation?
- Mihally Csikszentmihalyi, Professor emeritus,
U. of Chicago, Education for the 21st Century
When money speaks, the truth keeps silent.
- Russian Proverb
The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else.
- George Bernard Shaw
Music has power of forming the character and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young.
- Aristotle, POLITICS, Book VII, Chap. 5
According to a U.S. Dept. of Education study released in Sept, 1993, almost half of the 191 million adults in the United States do not have the literacy skills necessary to write a business letter, complete a job application, or read and comprehend a newspaper. The study concluded that current reading and writing skills in the U.S. are not keeping pace with the kings of skills required for today's workplace and civic activities, such as jury duty.

~ 75% of the unemployed are non-readers

~ 1 out of 3 mothers on AFCD cannot read

~ 40% of the illiterates are added to the ranks of the illiterates  annually.

~ 65% of prisoners cannot read

~ 85% of juvenile offenders are functionally illiterate

For attractive lips, Speak words of kindness For lovely eyes, Seek out the good in people For a slim figure, Share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, Let a child run his fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge That you never walk alone. 

People, even more than things, need to be Restored, renewed, revived, Reclaimed and redeemed. Never throw out anyone. Remember if you ever need a helping hand You’ll find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover you have two hands One for helping yourself, The other for helping others. 

The beauty of people is not In the clothes they wear, The figure that carries them Or the way they comb their hair. The beauty of people Must be seen in their eyes Because that is the doorway to the heart, The place where love resides. 

The beauty of people is not a facial mode, But the true beauty of people Is reflected in their soul. It is the caring that they lovingly give And the passion that they show. The beauty of a person grows with the passing of years. 

Audrey Hepburn

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