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New Perspectives - November, 2001 Issue #87 

Auldern Academy
A Service of Three Springs, Inc.

Pittsboro, North Carolina
Tere Snodgrass - Admissions

Auldern Academy is a new school opened by Three Springs, Inc. in September of 2001, for young women who are actively involved in their learning process and personal growth. Auldern accepts girls, ages 14-17, with average to above average intelligence, but who have failed in a traditional school setting. They may have: a poor self-image, been an underachiever, mild learning disabilities, at time sexhibited mild behavioral issues and are in need of a structured environment.  Young woman in need of constant 24-hour supervision, diagnosed with eating disorders or learning disabilities that would interfere with the academic process or emotional growth of themselves or others, or who would need to be escorted to Auldern Academy, would not be appropriate for admission.

The Admissions procedure at Auldern Academy requires that the application is completed by the student and family, and includes school transcripts, teacher recommendations, current Psychological testing including a WISC III and an on-campus interview with the admissions committee.

Auldern provides “challenging academics to young women, while meeting emotional needs through a positive peer culture, individual and group counseling.”  The mission at Auldern is to “foster, enhance, and balance the intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth of young women.”

The resources “will be directed toward providing a school environment which promotes academic excellence, emotional growth and realized potential within a challenging and nurturing setting.”

PO Box 1671 | Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 | 208-267-5550
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