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News & Views - November, 2001 Issue (page 1) 

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(August 24, 2001) Researchers Yong Dai and Rebecca Nolan of Louisiana State University and Qing Zeng of Wells College reported to the American Psychological Association a University of Michigan survey of 1,261 eight-graders conducted throughout the nation that concluded church activities enhance the self-esteem of young adolescents.

(August 27, 2001)  The Washington Times reported the results of a study by professor Abigail J. Stewart of the University of Michigan based on a sample of 1950s Midwest high school graduates: those who left town after graduation were more likely to have college degrees and high profile jobs, while those who didn’t leave town after graduation were more likely to have a traditional family.

(August 28, 2001)  According to an analysis by researchers at  New York’s Alfred University based on a poll of 2,017 seventh to 12th-grade students conducted by Harris Interactive in June and July, reported in the Washington Times Sept. 3-9, 2001: 87% said revenge, or “getting back at those who have hurt them” is why students shoot others in school,  37% said they knew someone in their school who might shoot someone, 20% said they had heard a classmate say they planned to shoot someone, 8% said they had thought of shooting someone at school, “and another 10% had gone so far as to mentally plan how to carry it out.”  “Boys in the 11th and 12th grades who don’t feel valued at home or at school are more likely to carry out a school shooting.”  61% said “being victims of physical abuse was the reason students shoot classmates,” while 54% said “teens who witness violence in their homes tend to be violent themselves.”

(Sept. 10, 2001)  Thomas Sowell, in his recently published book THE EINSTEIN SYNDROME reports that his research and that of others indicates that a remarkable number of people with exceptional abilities, such as Albert Einstein, for reasons not well understood, were as children, very late in beginning to speak. For them this was a natural development.  Sowell is concerned that modern budding geniuses might be misdiagnosed as retarded, autistic or have an attention deficit disorder.

(Sept. 2001) The Center for Education Reform announced there were 2,370 charter schools operating in the school year 2001-2002 (467 new this year) serving approximately 576,000 children, with 67 new charter schools authorized to start next year.

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