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Quotes - Dec, 2000 Issue 

The Real Delinquent

We read in the papers, we hear on the air,
Of stealing and killing, and crime everywhere.
We sigh and we say as we notice the trend,
"This young generation, where will it end!"
But can we be sure it is their fault alone?
Maybe most of it is really our own.
Too much money to spend, too much idle time,
Too many movies of passion and crime.
Too many books not fit to be read,
Too much evil in what we hear said.
Too many children encourage to roam
By too many "parents" who won't stay at home.
Kids don't make the movies, the don't write the books,
They don't pain the gay pictures of gangsters and crooks.
They don't make the liquor, they don't run the bars,
They don't make the laws, nor make high speed cars.
They don't make the drugs that rattle the brain,
It's all done by older folks greedy for gain!
Thus, in so many cases, it must be confessed,
The label "delinquent" fits older folks best!!
- Anonymous

Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit, 
cannot be severed;
for the effect already blooms in the cause,
the end pre-exists in the means,
the fruit in the seed.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Plausible nonsense is more dangerous to republics than foreign wars
Albert Pike
Essay XXII - Of Values
The students from hell--
the silent, withdrawn, sullen, cynical,
arrogant students in our classrooms,
are not brain dead;
they are full of fear.
- Parket Palmer
Self Esteem doesn't come from a pat on the back, but from a calm inner awareness that we have done something worthwhile.
- James F. Holwell

Copyright © 2000, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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