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News & Views - Jun, 1999 Issue #58

Score At the Top!
SAT Preparation Workshops
At Emotional Growth Boarding Schools
May 15, 1999 

Students at Rocky Mountain Academy, CEDU High School, and Mount Bachelor Academy were recently treated to a special SAT preparation opportunity. Judi Robinovitz, a Certified Educational Planner and noted SAT expert, led 2-day strategy workshops at each of the three schools. Using actual, current SATs as the framework for the workshops, Robinovitz and her teaching staff introduced more than effective test-taking strategies. Participants learned to develop active reading strategies, a heightened curiosity for words, and a strategy for solving multi-step math problems — skills that will serve them in the classroom and beyond. The workshops used the SAT to inculcate the value of rigor and good study habits. 

Commenting about their workshop, two eager students remarked, “I’ve never learned so much in so little time!” and “I never knew that learning could be so much fun!” 

Robinovitz spent almost 25 years at Educational Testing Service where she consulted to the College Board. She developed their SAT prep software and co-authored their SAT prep books. In 1980, Robinovitz created “Score At the Top,” her own SAT preparation program. Taking the SAT every year, Robinovitz recently scored a perfect 1600. Her teaching staff regularly score in the top 5% on the SAT. 

Plans are underway for future workshops at all of the CEDU and Aspen Youth Services schools as well as Hidden Lake Academy, Island View, Oakley, and Provo Canyon. If you are interesting in planning an SAT strategy workshop at your school, call Robinovitz at (888) GET-1600. 

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