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News & Views - Apr, 1998 Issue #51


by: Tim Brace, Executive Director
Mt. Bachelor Academy (MBA)
Bend, Oregon

(The following appeared in the March 1997 issue of together, a biannual newsletter by Mt. Bachelor Academy. -Lon) 

As this new year has been unfolding, it has become one of introspection and reflection. I find that I, like all that share the experience of MBA, am truly a fortunate man. This fortune is played out each day in the opportunity to serve and share the arena of discovery with students, faculty, professionals and parents all over this country. 

An opportunity to educate with a keen focus on personal growth, emotionally and spiritually. An opportunity to assess and create curriculum that meets individual needs. An opportunity to work with talented, bright, skilled and compassionate educators. An opportunity to watch families reunite: to laugh together, cry together, and to understand together again. An opportunity to combine the natural value of the wilderness with personal endeavor, leadership, and consequence as well as spiritual connectedness. An opportunity for all to tap in with the highest level of professional consultants, resource specialists and educators. An opportunity to personally grow, and to share it with my own family as we evolve. 

I see all this, many days more clearly than others. As I watch and see families that were once unsure planning healthy new futures, resolving conflicts, questioning possibilities, and all of us reaching out... I see realizations and actions where there was once only opportunity. Out of chaos arises possibilities, and now, out of opportunity, comes realizations and realities. 

How fortunate, we can all share each other. 

Copyright © 1998, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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