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Seen 'n Heard - Jun, 1995 Issue (page 3).

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Boundarylines In North Idaho
Richard Armstrong tells me he is restructuring Boundarylines in North Idaho to emphasize transports and de-emphasize running a program. 

Ready To Take Teenage Girls
Clay and Stacy Helf, in Creswell Oregon (eleven minutes south of Eugene), are ready to take teenage girls into their home who need a safe and structured family environment. Clay and Stacy have four boys of their own (ages two to twelve), and have years of experience with church and community youth programs. They have been networking with Steve & Karen Gage of Royal Haven and Rob Cooley of Catherine Freer Wilderness. Clay and Stacy can be reached at 503-895-4682. 

NorthStar Center Welcomes Jeff Johnson Back To The Business
Jeff Johnson will be handling admissions for NorthStar Center in Bend, Oregon from July 1 to August 25, 1995 while Jane Stewart takes a leave of absence to work with the summer program for young women called Changing Directions. Jeff ran the Mt. Bachelor Academy's admission department from 1988 to 1992, and assisted with admissions at Southwestern Academy in Arizona during 1993. Jeff has been living in Ashland, Oregon doing other non-school things. Welcome back to the business Jeff! He can be contacted at 503-385-8657. 

Makes Appearance On American Journal
Michael DeSisto, Executive Director of The Desisto School in Stockbridge, Massachusetts appeared on Nancy Glass's American Journal, on May 27, 1995. American Journal is a national TV news magazine and was doing a segment on actor Judd Hersh's son being busted for drug possession. Michael was describing how Judd Hersh was extremely supportive as a parent of a student at DeSisto. However, the overall tone of the segment was critical of Judd Hersh as a parent, giving more weight to the comments critical of Judd made by his ex-wife that Judd was always too busy for his son, and seeming to automatically assume that it is always the parent's fault when a child gets in trouble. 

Cross Creek Manor 
Tammy Prince, Admissions Director at Cross Creek Manor in Utah (801-635-2300) says that of late May, they had about 150 girls there, which is the size they feel comfortable staying with. She also reports their boys program, Paradise Cove in Western Somoa has almost 80 boys there and have expanded to two lagoons. 

13th Annual Conference In Greensboro N.C.
The International Alliance for Invitational Education will have it's 13th Annual Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina on Nov. 10-12, 1995. For more information, call 910-334-3431. The members consider Invitational Education to be an ethical theory of educational practice that rests on: people are able; education should be cooperative; process is important; people possess untapped potential; and that can best be realized be activities designed to invite development. 

Skyland Ranch Won Their Trial
Dave Pitkin of Skyland Ranch in Western Washington reports they won their trial with DSHS and the Judge has ordered DSHS to give back Skyland Ranch's license. 

Copyright © 1995, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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