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Posted December 9, 2004 

December 8, 2004

Re: Whitmore Academy

To Whom It May Concern:

Our son XXXXX has been at the Whitmore Academy for six months now. My wife and I took custody of him when he was 16 year old. His mother was going to make him a ward of the State of Maryland after several instances that she could not handle. Instead we obtained the custody in the hopes of being able to support him enough with a different life style to make a difference in his attitude and life. However after two months, we realized that his attitude and the use of illegal drugs were bigger than both of us and we all needed help.

We had him transported to the Academy at Ivy Ridge (managed by WWASP) out of pure desperation in a crisis situation. We were promised that he would obtain counseling, education, and behavioral modification. Needless to say after not being able to speak with him for six months, being required to attend mandatory family counseling in order to be able to see him someday, and weekly reports from his family representative that indicated to us that he was not progressing at all and actually his attitude was getting worse.

When it came to the point that they were going to deny him medical attention because he was not a level 2 after six months, and the family representative indicating that she "just did not know what to do with him", a huge red flag went up and we realized that we needed to get him out of this WWASP program and quickly.

My wife researched other programs available with recommendations from PURE. Together we weighed the pros and the cons of three different programs available at that time, and inevitably decided that the Whitmore was the place for XXXXX to be transported as he was certainly not ready to come home. After going through the above situation with the WWASP Program we were very reluctant believing anything that any of the programs were telling us. Could you blame us? Needless to say, the Whitmore Academy had a family therapist, Tim Lowe, who was not only informed about the program but very sympathetic about our situation. Knowing that this program was going to allow us to speak with XXXXX and that we would begin family counseling almost immediately, was the answer that we were looking for.

XXXXX was transported within one week from Ivy Ridge to the Whitmore Academy. What a wonderful transition not only for XXXXX, but for us! We were able to speak with XXXXX immediately after six long months and shortly after that began our every other week family counseling which we believe has made us a lot closer as a family working on issues that need to be looked at and resolved prior to him coming home. Instead of attempting to keep us away from our son and the problems that we had to face and resolve, the Whitmore Academy encourages that a family work together to begin healing. We are also able to speak with him every Sunday via telephone which is wonderful because we actually can see how his week went and hear his voice ensuring us that his is alright and making progress each week.

Two and one half months after XXXXX arrived at the Whitmore Academy, the academy was having family weekend. There was no way that we were going to miss the opportunity to see our son for the first time in nearly eight months, but it also gave us the opportunity to see for ourselves how the Whitmore's program was run.

Mark was the first one to greet us-warm and down to earth! We then got to see XXXXX and that of course was the best day we had in nearly eight months! He was happy, healthy, and working the program even in the 2-1/2 months that he had been at the Whitmore. Finally, we had the opportunity to meet Cheryl. My wife hugged her with open arms and thanked her for taking care of our son. The weekend was a wonderful experience as we were then allowed to take XXXXX with us for several days and actually have time away from the academy to speak with him about the Whitmore without monitoring. Not once did he ever indicate to us any type of physical or emotional abuse. In fact we even took another young man (XXXXX) with us for an overnight, and between XXXXX and (XXXXX), only good things were spoke about the academy. (XXXXX) was getting ready to graduate the program and also graduate from high school. He would be leaving within the next week and was already enrolled at a community college in his home time. What a success story.

XXXXX is obviously very fond of Mark as all we heard was how great he was and everything that Mark could do (which seemed to be everything imaginable). XXXXX made sure that he was in constant contact with Cheryl (not per our request) with him calling her every several hours to let her know where he was. It was amazing seeing the respect he had gained towards Mark and Cheryl in only a few short months.

Throughout the weekend we did a lot of things together as a family unit (lunches, dinner, riding programs and programs geared towards each of the children). It was a wonderful experience and you could see the love that Mark and Cheryl had for each of these children. Not only do Mark and Cheryl support and love our son but so do the rest of her family including their daughter's and son-in-laws. Combined with a wonderful family therapist, XXXXX has made unbelievable progress. He is now working on graduating on time from high school where at this time last year, graduation was not even an option as we was skipping school constantly. His goal is to complete the program and then come home and go to college! What a remarkable thing to hear our son say! He has been taught to believe in himself from the support of Cheryl and Mark, and not to be forgotten, the other kids that are there that help each other to stay positive on a daily basis.

We are very proud of XXXXX and we know that if he did not want to succeed for himself, he would not (as we saw at Ivy Ridge). But he has turned around 180 degrees and we truly believe that with the proper resources (the program he is in), he has been given a gift from Cheryl and Mark that we believe that all kids should have the opportunity to experience. He knows the true meaning of family and friends (as he expresses to us), he has learned about accountability for his actions, and he is in the process of becoming a great leader instead of the follower.

We are very proud of our son and we know that with the life long skills that he is learning at the Whitmore, he is truly on his way to being a productive, secure, and positive young man that we could have only dreamed about a hear ago. He is becoming that person each day with the guidance and love from Cheryl and Mark. Without their program we might not be able to say that today!

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

With sincere regards,
Daniel & Sandra Milliken

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