
The Woodbury Report
Are We Experiencing an Epidemic of Vicarious Violence?
Jul 30, 2014, 19:49

Woodbury Reports, Inc.
Bonners Ferry, ID

Are We Experiencing an Epidemic of Vicarious Violence?

L. Craig Williams author of The Fourth Army was our guest on The Woodbury Report, Tuesday, July 29, 2014.

Host: Lon Woodbury, MA, CEP, IECA
Founder/ CEO
Woodbury Reports, Inc.
Bonners Ferry, ID

Joining our host today on The Woodbury Report at, was author and professional speaker, L Craig Williams. Mr. Williams is an expert on the violence that pervades modern living and through his speaking engagements, focuses on recognizing the violence that surrounds all of us on a daily basis. Craig defines vicarious violence as "the participation of violence by remote access." This is not the 'push 'violence that occurs when a riot breaks out or a group that is marching for something turns into a rock throwing assault. This 'pull' of violence is the kind we see every time we turn on the TV. We have been conditioned and have been growing up with it around us since World War II. Vicarious violence is all around us, cable news, cable programs, with well over 300 channels to choose from. "Just open the TV listings for the week, there are shows on murders, cop shows, autopsies, forensic files, and the list goes on and on." It permeates us and brings an emotional impact now, we feel it now.

The media brings us into "You are there" moments with live videos and war is now seen in our own living rooms. The images that are brought to us are graphic and if you want even more graphics you can go to the Internet. With computer games and video games, there are almost no controls over the purchase or the content of these games. These computer games often show hideous violence and blood and guts.

Our children are plugged into devices that either show violence through games or are listening to music that depicts gangster rap with the violence of the lyrics and the dangerous lifestyles. The protective standards for children we've had in place for well over 100 years have been largely lost. The avalanche of images and violence has grown to a rapid rate due to the technological age we are in. Included in this are the reality shows (some show fighting and drunkenness), where our kids hold them up as role models Some of them teaches them its ok to drink, lie or cheat, plus these reality stars are being paid thousands to be this way! Even sports on TV, players are often given money or perks for injuries that they cause on the other teams players. This includes even shows that make fun of people, like the "person on the street" episodes on Jay Leno.

We are all subjected to violence every day and a certain amount is part of the Human condition, but to slip into violence so easily? We are increasingly becoming conditioned to experience violence and it is not right. "Violence is going to come to us in life. We needn't let it be so pervasive and be as accepting as it is. I don't think it is right" shared Craig. When asked about gun control, Craig stated that we have more guns than people in the United States. But, he asks, what are we doing to protect our kids? "Four to ten year old children know where the guns and ammunition are in their homes and 35,000 children are killed by guns each year." In the school shootings we've seen recently, the weapons are too available and semi-automatic weapons for teenagers are easily obtained. "Guns have one purpose, to kill something" explained Craig, and" there is no real control at all."

When approached by a question by one of the viewers, Craig explained how he proposes we cut down on violence: Access what we're doing, identify the parts that aren't working and do something. Every day, we make choices on how much we let violence into our lives…"How much time did we use watching a violent show?" We can convert that time into other forms of entertainment, like playing sports, music, reading or art. Or he suggests we can use our time by using our knowledge to help someone else in the community. For example, teaching others how to read. Reduce the sources of violence, like environmentally. We make choices about our impact environmentally every day…wash a cup, rather than using a paper one, drink water from a cup, rather than purchasing a plastic bottle of water.

"The most important thing here is the emotional health of our kids…that is what is important" stated Craig.

Craig Williams

Listen to the full interview here: Are We Experiencing an Epidemic of Vicarious Violence?

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