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Shepherd's Hill Academy Student Awarded Scholarship
Jun 13, 2011, 09:43

Shepherd's Hill Academy
Martin, GA

Shepherd's Hill Academy
Student Awarded Scholarship

Trace Embry

June 9, 2011

The American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) is pleased to announce that Hayden Polenz, a student at Shepherd's Hill Academy, has been granted a scholarship to attend the annual AACS Youth Legislative Training Conference in Washington, D.C., to be held on July 12-16, 2011. To win this prestigious honor, Hayden wrote an essay explaining why he wanted to attend.

Hayden, a rising senior at Shepherd's Hill Academy, is part of a select group of students chosen from AACS member schools nationwide to attend this conference where he will be provided the valuable opportunity to learn the inner workings of our political system.

More than just a series of lectures on political theory and philosophy, this conference also gives the students an opportunity to participate in a mock senate, meet their Senators, and Congressmen, and tour historical sites in Washington, D.C., including the U.S. Capitol, the Monuments, the State Department, and Arlington Cemetery. In addition, the students will attend the Marine Barracks Friday evening parade and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

One of the oldest national voices for Christian education, AACS represents over 100,000 students and teachers in more than 800 member schools throughout the United States and in several foreign countries. With national offices in Tennessee and Washington, D.C., the AACS currently has member schools in 45 states and associations in 38 states.

In his essay, he expressed a concern for our political leaders, an interest in learning how the Government operates, and possibly pursuing a career in politics. Way to Go Hayden!

Shepherd's Hill Academy is a therapeutic Christian residential program located in Georgia, designed for behavior modification of troubled teenage boys and girls, age 12-17.

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